Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


"Basic you, asshole!"
(dasar kau lubang pantat)

That was the bbm status of one of my EF friends. I really have no idea whether she was joking or not. Because of the grammar correction which has given by ferdi on my last english post, I start to doubt myself, maybe he was right, maybe i am in the right class, maybe i am to proud of myself, but now I'm really sure that I join the wrong class. (-____-) But I've already paid for this level and I will not waste my parent's money, so I am going to study english by myself by reading grammar book or watching movies with english subtitle. And then I can practice what I have learned at EF and my blog. Because I realize that my friends who can speak english fluently, they don't even take any courses! Yeah, they watch from movies, read from the internet, and so on. It's all about practicing! So I won't easily give up! I have to learn english no matter how long it takes for me to learn, one day I can speak, wrote, and read english like a real BULE!!!
*hosh hosh hosh being excited is tiring* ------kereen kaaaaaaaaan

And today main topic is.................................Bimo's ex-girlfriend. Yeah, this topic is really sensitive and I don't want to spell her name so I'll named her EG here (
from Ex-Girlfriend) (The name even have a philosophy. EG from EG(g) which is mean that it has some potential, yeah, potential to be a lover again, with bimo! LOL). Hopefully she doesn't read this. (-_-)

Bimo had told me before that he was dating with her since 2nd grade of JHS and breaking up before they were in 3st grade, so practically they were together about 6 months less. But yesterday, I asked him the same question and he told me that he had been dating her for around 2 years. He said that he started to date when they were in 1st grade of JHS and had broken up in the middle of 3th grade. Ok now who's lying, my mind or bimo's? =|

EG is the number one on my jealous list. It's because she is the first girlfriend of bimo. (I really want to use "was" but no matter how much gf he might have, she will always be his first gf)
I know much or less their story. Bimo broke up with her because she chose to believe on what her friend said (about bimo was cheating with one of her friend), so she ignored him some weeks, though bimo had been trying to apologize and explain the real situation. Some weeks later, he broke her up. But this story is based on bimo, I don't really know what was really happen that moment. (and I really think that bimo didn't tell me the complete story, hehehe)

Bimo still loved (LAMPAU ya LAMPAUUU) her a year after they broke up. On 1st grade on SHS, he even tried to get her back. He consulted (curhat curhaaat! translate.google lo goblog sumpah, masak aku ngetik curhat dia translatenya "vent", aku udah curiga ini pasti terjemahan ngawur, bener aja takketik vent translate ke indonesia hasilnya "lubang angin"! Edyaaan, curhat mas curhaaat bukan pantaaaat) with some of girl in our class (bimo and i were classmate on 1st grade of shs) and that made him getting closer with them, and some were having crush on him. That's why they called him playboy on 1st grade. Bimo was going to propose EG to go steady after the final exam of 1st grade. They were getting closer that time. But EG dated the boy from SMA5 whom proposed her before bimo. So bimo gave up on her. (makin ke sini inggrisnya makin indonesia)

When i was dating bimo for about two months, EG gave bimo letter and chocolates on valentine's day. I never read the letter, because bimo had threw (or burn) it. (he was so tricky =|) That time I asked him, whether he choose EG or me. Well, I'd prepared to be divorced (gak ngerti inggrisnya putus apaan) by him, we'd just been together for 2 months anyway. But thanks God he chose to be with me, hehehe. Still...

When bimo attended his jhs reunion, he met her. And she asked him to take picture berdua2 (nempel2an), but until now i never seen the picture itself because it was in her cellphone. (makin ke sini makin susah nerjemahinnya soalnya udah makin panas, hahahha)

Udah ah capek translatenya -___________________-

Intinya sekarang mereka udah hampir gak pernah hubungan sih. Tapi berhubung dia cewek pertama dan ternyata mereka sampek 2 tahun, jadi dia pantes dinobatkan menjadi number one of my jealous list! :p

Mungkin pacarnya si eksku yang sekarang juga gitu kali yah. Keliatan banget dia sebel banget sama aku. Padahal kan dia yang dulu jadi selingkuhan, dia yang ngerebut, kenapa dia yang kesel. -____-

Jadi si mantannya mantanku itu tuh waktu terakhir reunian, dia keliatan banget sengaja gak nyalamin aku, padahal kanan kiriku disalamin, plus dia yang junior. Terus pas dia bikin facebook pertama kali, temennya masih 5 anak aku yang di-add duluan. Mana facebooknya penuh foto-foto mereka berdua lagi! Apa coba maksudnya? Untung aku udah gak ada feeling sama pacar dia -_____- (jangan-jangan si EG juga mikirnya gini ya? hahhaha)

Mantanku, sebut saja O, yang juga mantannya weny, adalah seorang yang amat playboy. Setelah bertahun-tahun putus dan gak ada feeling lagi, aku dan weny kadang jadi suka becanda-becandaan tentang dia. Ternyata si weny dulu diputusin tanpa sebab yang jelas. Jadi tiba-tiba O ngajak putus alasannya mau ujian. (-_-") Terus weny juga cerita kalo si O pernah nembak Atia pas mereka masih jadian. Hubungan O dan weny cuma bertahan 1 bulan, dan weny kaget banget waktu tau aku bisa bertahan lumayan lama sama si O, (me too wen). Aku dulu culun banget. Aku jelas-jelas diselingkuhin sama si O tapi gak nyadar-nyadar. Dulu aku dan O putus nyambung TIAP HARI! Super SMP banget kan (-_-). Aku juga nyadar sih aku dulu super nyebelin jadi pacar, mungkin kalo si bimo ngerasain jadi pacarku pas SMP dia juga ga betah kali. Aku dulu ngebiarin si O nunggu setengah jam lebih di parkiran sementara aku takenak-enakin ngobrol sama anak-anak. Aku dulu bilang gak pengen dianter pulang padahal sebenernya pengen jadi dia harus maksa-maksa buat nganter pulang aku tiap pulang sekolah. Aku dulu sempet ngotot gak mau dianter pulang naek sepedah motor (padahal sebenernya aku mau, tapi gak tau otakku gimana sih mikirnya aku juga bingung) akhirnya dia rela nemenin jalan kaki dari SMP ke rumahku dan pulangnya dia jalan kaki sendirian ke SMP lagi, dan itu lumayan sering kejadian. Aku dulu...

Kenapa jadi nostalgia gini ya? Hahahha... Bisa didamprat si bimo nih kalo diterusin. Intinya si O itu orangnya sweet tapi playboy bangeeet, mungkin salahku juga sih dulu nyebelin banget suka seenaknya kalo sama dia. Terakhir aku mutusin dia tapi kenapa aku juga lupa, tapi dia gak mau, dan itu terakhir kalinya dia nganterin aku jalan kaki pulang sekolah. Besok sorenya dia putusin aku lewat telpon. Aku cuma bilang iya-iya aja, aku bahkan enggak nanya alasan dia putusin aku kenapa. Tapi besoknya aku pulang sekolah bareng mobilnya fara dan liat si O lagi goncengin pacarnya yang sekarang. Selingkuh atau enggak yang jelas dia selingkuh! Hahahaa .Dan dengan tau kalo dia selingkuh aku jadi lebih mudah ngelupain dia. (It takes a year)

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